Health expertise ignites stalled marketing

Flexible, nimble support to get a delayed website live to provide the launch platform for tactical marketing and PR to attract target clients.



Coverage on BBC TV and radio


Improved – attracting target clients


Increased reach and engagement

The Challenge

Facing an uneven playing field with the marketing budgets of its high-street chain competitors, independent Kings Hill Opticians needed a new website to message its points of difference – but the project had stalled for 18 months due to a lack of internal resource or expertise. Originally called in to unblock the project and get it over the line, Sharp Minds was then asked to devise and deliver a marketing strategy to attract patients who valued health expertise over price.

marketing PR strategic counsel expertise Kent Sussex London

The strategy

We conducted a thorough Discovery Process to understand the practice’s market position, points of difference from the competition, and target clients and their triggers, including patient interviews both to inform the messaging and provide objective brand endorsement. These insights determined the messaging strategy, which fed into expert content creation, facilitated by our health expertise in understanding medical information and communicating it to connect with the target audience.

When the website was live, we transitioned to ongoing digital and social marketing, supplement by proactive PR campaigns and award applications.

The outcome

Our efficient project management with clear milestones and deadlines enabled a fast turnaround of the stalled project – the new website was live within two months of our initial meeting with the client. Our discovery process and expert content creation also led to navigational tweaks to make for a better visitor experience and clearer signposting to calls to action. The effective messaging and SEO strategy has enabled Kings Hill Opticians to attract patients who are willing to invest in eye health while deterring those motivated solely by price, thereby making the practise more efficient and profitable.

Kings Hill Opticians fought off fierce competition to be finalists in the national Opticians Awards 2018 and 2019 for Best Independent Practice. Successful PR campaigns around awards and patient case studies secured coverage on BBC TV and radio and in target local publications, leading to wider brand recognition and appreciation of the value offered over high-street chains.

marketing PR strategic counsel expertise Kent Sussex London

Go deeper

For a deep dive into this project, read our full overview