Case study
Taking the world stage with a global first
Superior brand-building through thought leadership on a global scale to showcase an innovative new product among both commercial sectors and consumers to drive sales.
Global digital audience
Increase in sales
Media articles generated across four continents

The strategy
Sharp Minds introduced groundbreaking and award-winning thought leadership by designing, creating and launching the world’s first parcel theft report, surveying 2,000 people in five territories. The report revealed growing global consumer concern, which retailers and couriers needed to address to retain customer confidence.
The 30-page report allowed Penn Elcom to alert the world to the rise in parcel theft, initiating discussion and proactive collaboration about changes required within the logistics sector, whilst driving sales and building brand recognition for the group. Sharp Minds planned and executed a global PR campaign to generate visibility for the report’s findings and the Penn Parcel Box as a consumer and commercial solution, supported by digital, social and video marketing.
The outcome
Penn Elcom obtained brand recognition across the world, which led to discussions with major retailers and couriers as well as crime experts.
Sharp Minds generated 76 pieces of positive coverage in the media across the four main countries and 13 in Tier 1 press, which included The Independent, The Mail on Sunday, Bloomberg, Daily Mail, The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Arabian Post, with a digital circulation of 230m+. This coincided with web site traffic increasing by 137% during the course of the campaign and sales increasing by 118%.

We appointed Sharp Minds to help us, which they have done with superb branding and marketing advice, and the delivery of a media campaign which would be worthy of competitors a hundred times our size in terms of global manufacturers. It was thoroughly researched and expertly executed, including designing the report with easy-to-understand graphics to communicate the key narratives effectively. The results speak for themselves: high value, enormous productivity, enhanced brand awareness, increased sales and the intellectual property to leverage introductions to industry leaders, with whom we are now collaborating.

Roger Willems, Chairman - Penn Elcom