How to build your brand with LinkedIn newsletters

The LinkedIn newsletter feature is a tool that can be used to bolster your following and maximise reach effectively and efficiently. You may even be able to amplify the value of your existing content for very minimal effort to increase your ROI, which sounds like a win-win. However, there are things to consider before you simply start repurposing content to ensure the resource you invest in LinkedIn newsletters aligns effectively with your goals. We guide you through the nuts and bolts, but also the strategic thinking you need to undertake before hitting ‘publish’.

What are LinkedIn newsletters?

The LinkedIn newsletter feature is a way to push your content out to your LinkedIn-based followers in the palatable format of a newsletter, which is fully integrated into the LinkedIn platform. Newsletters differ from a LinkedIn Article as they do not publish to your connections’ timelines automatically; instead, your LinkedIn followers (which may be similar to your email database list, but crucially, could also be far more diverse and extensive) can subscribe to receive push, in-app and email notifications for newly published newsletters. This direct reach is an active way to get in front of your audience – for free.

The newsletter reach is not limited to tailored audience methods or ad targeting, which helps you reach a wider audience. Anyone who has a connection to your followers can view your LinkedIn newsletter, extending the reach beyond your normal target audience.

By speaking about professional topics which engage your target customers, clients, colleagues, followers and sector influencers, you can successfully grow your audience and build a community that regularly engages with you on the platform. A well-structured, insightful LinkedIn newsletter can generate leads, increase traffic to your website and grow your following and influence on LinkedIn.

What content should be in your LinkedIn newsletter?

A LinkedIn newsletter can be used as a secondary place to publish newsletters previously sent to your email database or to reposition articles or insights that you have previously published on LinkedIn. The input of copied text is straightforward and easy to format, which can make it a great way to increase the reach of your content for minimal effort, simply by publishing it to another platform.

However, while a simple copy and paste exercise is resource efficient, you need to consider your audiences on LinkedIn and what you want to be known for on the platform, and whether your existing content aligns with that. For example, if your existing content is largely being sent to prospects and is structured to encourage them to make the final decision to purchase, it may not be relevant if you want to become known as an oracle for latest industry trends.  

The starting point is therefore to be very clear about what you want to achieve through LinkedIn newsletters, given who follows you. If your existing content aligns well with your LinkedIn audience and your platform/brand goals, then great. But if not, you may need to identify and source/create content that will support these goals; this may mean a fresh content creation strategy, or it could be as simple as signposting sector developments that are not widely known, for example news of products that are in Beta-testing.

The nuts and bolts of creating LinkedIn newsletters

If you have 150 followers or more, are active on the platform and abide by the Professional Community Policies put in place by LinkedIn, you will have the option to become a ‘Creator’. With creator tool access you can begin to build your newsletter. If you would like more information on what the Creator mode is and how to use it to bolster your business’ presence on the LinkedIn platform, read our insight here.

At the top of your LinkedIn homepage, below the ‘Start a post’ box, is a ‘Write article’ button. Once you click on this you will be directed to the newsletter template, ready for you to input your content.

Here are some tips on creating a successful LinkedIn newsletter:

  1. A succinct title: Choosing a title which offers a clear solution, or presents a theme or subject that will interest your audience is vital to draw your readers in. Pose a question your target audience is likely to have, then offer solutions within your content. It’s important to remember that all your newsletters will have the same title, so it needs to outline the overarching themes of your content/expertise that you plan to explore across your newsletters, rather than the specific content of a particular newsletter.
  2. Engaging Images: Uploading your logo will increase engagement and brand awareness. Additionally, by uploading a cover photo for each article within your newsletter you create natural breaks in the page, making it more reader-friendly. Choosing images of your staff or friendly faces adds a human element to the text and connects with the reader. Be sure to select images that are bright, relevant to the text and authentic – avoid stock images wherever possible.
  3. Additional context: Include a short description or pose a question when you share your newsletter with your audience. This will encourage engagement with the post itself and increase the chances of connections clicking through to the newsletter. Use the post to showcase your expertise to resonate with your audience and to indicate how reading your newsletter will add value for them.

How do people find newsletters on LinkedIn?

Users can access the newsletters to which they have subscribed by clicking the ‘My Network’ button at the top of the LinkedIn homepage and selecting ‘Newsletters’ from the list displayed on the left-hand side of the page; this reveals a full list of their subscribed newsletters. Another interesting point to note is that readers don’t need to be logged into LinkedIn to access the page, so you can share the LinkedIn newsletter link across other social channels and via email to increase engagement.

LinkedIn newsletters can be a brilliant way to repurpose, redirect and re-engage your LinkedIn network, maximising reach and generating engagement. If you would like strategic, smart advice on developing an efficient, effective, multi-channel marketing plan, our team can assist.

Based in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, Sharp Minds offers brand development, digital marketing, offline marketing, and public relations to businesses across Kent, Sussex, Surrey, and Greater London.

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