Consumer trust is the most valuable commodity of any brand. Crafting marketing and PR campaigns that build consumer trust, rather than eroding it, is therefore essential. Mailchimp’s Brand Trust in the Age of Information Overload report provides valuable insights into how brands can build that trust and create authentic relationships with their customers.
Tailored campaigns that go beyond the sales pitch
According to the report, 61% of consumers want tailored content, so pumping out general marketing materials won’t encourage engagement. To gain consumer trust and grow authentic relationships, you need to know who your core customer is, where they spend their time and what type of content they consume.
For example, brands wanting to target Gen X, will see a higher success rate if they demonstrate an awareness of topical events and social issues. To stay relevant, brands must therefore be aware of the news cycle, social trends and global issues such as climate change so they can offer their audience more than just a product or service, but a brand they can align with.
Quality over quantity
The report suggests consumers will only tolerate up to a certain amount of content per week from any one brand – with emails, it’s a maximum of six a week. Instead of creating an endless stream of content, which might not all be value adding, look at investing in tailored campaigns. Quality over quantity is key. Considering consumers are more likely to align with brands they are already loyal to, building loyalty should be done in a slow, measured way – don’t pump out six emails a week, if you only have two that are of real value.
Timing it right to score the best ROI
Timing your campaigns for a window when your audience is most likely to be online will ensure you are top of mind when they come to making that all-important purchasing decision. The report suggests there is a spike between 3-9 pm, but it’s worth experimenting with send-out times to see what performs best.
Consumers’ view on AI content
While AI can speed up content creation, it’s wise to proceed with caution as 48% of consumers crave authentic, human-led communications. However, the report’s findings suggest consumers are open to some AI involvement if it has “extensive human input and oversight.”
Consider how to best utilise AI to streamline systems and processes, for example, to line up newsletters or to stimulate content ideas, leaving you with more time to do the creative thinking so that you can build consumer trust.
The standards are high when it comes to winning over consumers who are becoming increasingly conscious of marketing techniques. Honing in on what it is your audience wants and needs is key to gaining their trust, and building long-lasting connections.
If you are a brand looking for support with your marketing and PR campaigns, please get in touch.
Based in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, Sharp Minds Communications offers brand development, digital marketing, offline marketing, and public relations to businesses across Kent, Sussex, Surrey, and Greater London.
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